Sunday, April 20, 2008


Here is a family photo we took this weekend. My parents came to town for a visit and to help us put up the trampoline. It has been a realy LONG time since we've all had a photo together, so we took this chance a snapped a few. This one turned out pretty good, so I decided to post it. For all of you who know me, I HATE to have my photo taken, so this is pretty rare.
I just HAD to post these! I had gone out for a walk and wore this headband to keep my ears warm, and when I got home Avery just couldn't resist putting it on herself!
As you can see, she did a lovely job! The hair is just beautiful! I just hope my hair didn't look that pretty when I was walking around the whole town! HAHAHAHA!!

Here are the kids with the new trampoline!!!
Chance got to be the first one to test it out. Grumpa and Gramma bought the trampoline for the kid's birthday presents this year. Since Chance's comes first, it was bought for his birthday, which ment he got to test it out first.
There he is jumping high!
Here is a knee drop!
Since Avery weighs about two ounces, I had to get on with her to even make it bounce! She just likes to run around in circles. Then she falls downand laughs!

Here are the kids with their chocolate bunnies!!! Avery's is about the same size as she is!
They went right for the ears!! The eyes went next!!!

1 comment:

Keri said...

I love the family picture!! You should not be camera shy, you're adorable!!! You know that I think this, though! :)

How fun a trampoline!!! We'll have to come play on it someday! Ok, by "we" I mean MJ because I don't think it would be a good plan for me to be bouncing right now. HA!