Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Look Whos FIVE!!!!!

Here is Chance and his birthday cake at nana & papa's house!
Blowing out candles...
Here is his cake and party favors at gramma & grumpa's house...
Blowing out candles again!
Here is Chance setting off some party poppers! Thanks gramma! Those were fun!!!
And finally here is mom and Avery popping our popper!!!!! Happy Birthday Bubba!!!

For Chance's birthday, mom and dad bought him a 4-wheeler!!!!

Here he is taking it out for a spin!

Plenty of room to take sis for ride!!

Thanks for the ride Bubba!!!

Time to Color Eggs

Here we are getting all ready to color our Easter eggs!!!
This is Avery's first egg she colored. As you can tell, she was very proud of herself!
Hey dad, is it ready yet?? Bubba and daddy are checking to see if this egg was ready yet!
Bubba is such a big boy, he can do his eggs all by himself!

Here our all of Avery's eggs! And no, mom is not drunk, just another bad photo!!!!

Dress Up

Have they caught the Uni-bomber yet? If not, I might know where he is!
Here is our little princess, or Diva as we like to call her!!!!!
Just too cute not to post!
We have no fear at out house! We have our very own, personal ninja to keep us safe!!!

Egg Hunt

Every Easter, one of the local parks has an Easter egg hunt for all the kids. They are broken up by age, and put in different areas of the park. As you can see, the "2s" were in the tennis court. Unfortunately, I only have pictures of Avery hunting because they start all the hunts at the same time. So anyway, here is Avery before it started. Look at all the eggs!!!
Here she is nabbing her first egg!!! Go Avery Go!
Here is Avery, Chance, and Lainie (my future daughter-in-law) after the big hunt!
Look at all of Chance's eggs!!! Good job Chance!
Here is Av with her eggs! Way to go!