Monday, February 23, 2009


Aunt Bethie had a ton of little visitors!!!!!!! I had Chance, Carmen, Avery, Kellen, Jeremy, Nolan, and Jillian all over for a visit!!! (Plus Aunt Leah, Uncle Jon, Aunt Rachel, Nana, Papa, Gramma, and Grumpa!)
Here I am with all my visitors!! You can't really see Nolan, but her was there too!

Our first family of five photo!!!

Aunt Joleen and Uncle Brad came out to check out our new bundle!!! Aunt Jo will be having a baby girl in April, so I'm sure these two girls will be best buddies, just like Carmen and Avery are!

Chance holding his new baby sister!!!!

Now it is Avery's turn!!!

And finally, Daddy's turn!!!

Baby #3

Here are the two big kids waiting for the arrival of their new baby sister!!!!!!!!!

The first glimps of our princess, Brooke Alyssa!!!!!!

Mommy finally gets to meet her little girl!!!!

Here is the classic first photos of baby with the goopy eyes, swelled face, and double chin! Even with all that, we think she is beautiful!!!!

Daddy spreading the good news, and big brother Chance checking out his new baby sister!!!