Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Princess Avery. Beautiful as ever!!!
Chance.... being Chance.

My little pumpkin. She is SO CUTE!!!!

Playing with daddy!!!

My son, in time-out, who knew........

I'm out of here mom!!!!

My girlfriend and her little girl came for a visit. We had a blast. Here are some randoms of our visit.

Brooke's Chore!

Yes, it is true, as soon as you can stand, you are given chores to do!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Here are some photos from Halloween 2009!!!

Here are some papermache pumpkinsm that the kids and I made! We had tons of fun and they turned out great! Can't wait to decorate withe them next year!

Our little beauty queen. Check out the pose! Nana, this is the shirt we got when we took back the one purple horse shirt you bought Avery for her birthday!

This is a photo of Brooke that out littl camera girl Avery took!

Chance with his trick-or-treat candy! Check out his missing tooth!!

Avery with her pile of goodies!!!

My little cow enjoying her very first sucker!!! Look how happy she is!

The kids before we set out trick-or-treating!!!

Avery in her Wonder Woman pose.

For halloween dinner Avery and I made little mummies to eat! Hers is on the left and mine is on the right!

Avery made the bottom left three (could you tell??)

Chance's new smile! A little Jack-o-Lantern face, just in time for Halloween!!!