Hi! We are the Indiana Harders, Adam, Maribeth, Chance, Avery and Brooke.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Chance, Avery, and Daddy sledding in the front yard. Here comes Chance down the hill. Avery and Mommy sledding down the hill to Chance and Daddy. Chance loving to play in the snow!
Avery in her new "Princess" jammies.
Daddy and Avery getting Super Chance!!!
Chance showing off his new Superman pj's. Avery "beating up" Daddy. Super Chance doing his best to beat up Dad.Maribeth and her Mom getting ready to go to Jen Jen's baby shower.
Maribeth and her college roommate Jen Jen, at her baby shower. Avery tickling Grumpa...watch out, she'll get you. Gramma holding back Avery getting ready to attack Grumpa. Avery, Grumpa, and Chance playing with Play-Doh. Avery and Gramma playing Play-Doh.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chance and Avery with their new prize...Whoopee cushions! Avery tootin away. Time for more.."gas".
Chance showing Avery how to let a "Big One"!Chance after he set it on Daddy's chair and it popped. Bummer huh?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Avery is chillin watching some tv. Looks comfy!!!!!!
Look at my boy, isn't he just too cute!!!!! I mean handsome!
Chance and Avery got sleepingbags for christmas. This was something "fun" they found to do with them. Luckily neither bumped into anything too hard!
This was just too cute. The kids where climbing all over daddy!!!! He can never lay down, or the kids both have to jump and climb all over him!!!
This is my beautiful mirro that my parents bought me for Christmas! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Here is Avery after putting on just a little bit of the princess chap stick she got from her cousin Carmen's birthday party....pretty!!!