Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Science Central

Can you see it??? Doesn't Chance look a little....GREEN???!!!!! You can't see it??? Sure you can, look harder........ Don't you know that when you wear Incredible Hulk Jammies and Incredible HulK underwear at the same time to bed, you can turn into the Incredible Hulk!! Well Chance believes it! He has been asking us all day if he was green... HAHAHAHA!! In the minds of babes!!!

Well this past weekend, Adam and a few of the guys had a guys morning, so I took the kids to Science Central. For all you Ohio folk, think a smaller, cheaper COSI!

This was one of Avery's very favorite things. It was a water table with a ton of rubber toys, and such.
Here is Chance playing on the jungle gym thing they have.
Same photo, ooops!
Here is the jungle gym thingy, very fun!!!
Under the jungle gym, they had a little room full of pillows, Chance thought it was cool!

As you can see, we spent a great deal of time at the water table!

Here the kids are playing at an activity table that has the cut-off nails and you can make shapes by pushing up on them. You can kinda see their hands if you look hard.This was a pully chair. Supposedly you could pull on the rope and raise yourself up,........ Must have to be a little bigger. They had a traveling space show there,.... the kids thought it was pretty, but we did stay in this area long.
Avery was a little builder, or as you can see in the photo, she was also the little destroyer!!!!

This was fun. Chance and I played with this for a long time. You placed the flat blocks into the board so you could put a ball on them and they would roll all the way to the bottom. Chance was better at it then I thought he would be!!!Now this was the favorite by far. It is a room built on an angle. The table was nailed to the floor so they could hang on it, then let go and slide down the floor. I am taking the photo at the correct angle, so you can see how angled it was!

Now this is kinda funny, at least to me. Avery had a blast looking in all the little doors all over this board. Now the funny/weird thing is that the board shows all the damage that heavy drinking causes on a human body. She of course just thought it was a body. Sorry, probably not funny to you...... O-well!!!Now this was FUN! they had whole series of silly mirrors. I can't believe these actually turned out!!!Of course, no fun day is complete till you have shopped! So of course we went shopping and bought these new jammies. (these are the jammies that caused us to believe that Chance just might turn into the Incredible Hulk! Just imagine our dissapointment when we never really turned green!!!!)


Keri said...

I've always wondered what Science Central was like! It looks awesome!! I'll have to take the kids there soon!

Jason has a hilarious story about himself turning into the'll have to ask him about it!

IN Harders said...

What is it about boys and super heros!!!! Too Funny, I will ask him next time I see him!